5 Tips to Preserve Your Career In The Face of Recession

I have seen it more times than I can remember. People get their current jobs, usually during “good times”, times of growth and excitement, and settle in for a long ride. We are in one of those times where perhaps “hard times” are distant memories and for the younger professionals reading this not an experience.

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11 Strategic Steps to Preserve Your Career Before The Recession Hits

This is the expanded version of the FREE Member article published earlier.

People get their current jobs, usually during “good times”, times of growth and excitement, and settle in for a long ride. We are in one of those times where perhaps “hard times” are distant memories and for the younger professionals reading this not an experience with which they are even familiar.

This article is for you. For all of you. Even if you think you have everything wrapped up in a neat little bow at work, we are likely heading into some rough seas in the economy, which means that even the fast growing companies are going to see noticeable changes if not employment impact.

(Must be a Silver or Gold Member to read full article)

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Redefining Resilience

A long and successful career will include many challenges, representing both compelling opportunities and obstacles of all stripes. Hear some examples, and the methods and strategies used to make MyT.Coach’s Marc Naddell more resilient in the face of challenges to optimize outcomes in careers. This video was recorded from the recent Inspire 2022 conference hosted…

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Avoiding the Pitfalls of Weak Language

Avoiding the Pitfalls of Weak Language

Words you choose, as well as how you say them…. Many words have more than one way to be used in communication, no matter the type. As professionals and leaders, the career minded should give a care on how chosen words reflect on the communicator. Written or spoken, words have many substitutes, and should be used with… Log In To Read More

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